
March 10, 2014 § 2 Comments


Suddenly it feels like spring. As I write this I can see blue sky through the window. My daffodils are in flower, and I’m sure that yesterday I heard a bee! This is very exciting for me, as bees pretty much equal happiness. They are the loveliest of creatures. They also have nothing to do with this post…

Snails. That’s what I really want to talk about. I started felting snails, and I must say, they have the most satisfying shape to make! I love the idea of a woolly snail, as real snails are almost the opposite of woolly. They are slimy and cold, and yet, like bees, I find snails adorable.

I started to tidy up my garden recently. I live in a rented house which has a teeny tiny garden, but its does have some potential for niceness. I spent a day a few weeks ago sweeping up the rotting leaves that covered the patio, and I discovered that gardening wasn’t for the faint-hearted

The garden once cleared of leaves.

I unearthed many a strange slimy creature that day, and as I shoveled and swept rotting leaves I couldn’t help but wince at the tragic crunch of snail shells getting in my way. How do you garden without accidentally killing hundreds of innocent invertebrates? I don’t want to cause unnecessary suffering to creepy crawlies simply because I would prefer mud to be in a different place, however, the garden does have the potential to be pretty, but it does need clearing out a bit more.
I suppose this got me thinking about snails a lot, and so the natural progression was to felt them.

Here they are playing around in my cupboard!





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