Look! I Made a Thing!

January 5, 2014 § 2 Comments

As well as needle felting, I am also starting out a career in theatre design. In the last few months I did three Theatre Design jobs in a row, which was brilliant, but also meant that I had no spare time at all so my felting has suffered somewhat. I hadn’t made anything for months, and this was sad as I really wanted to felt and I have so many projects that I want to do, and so many animals still to make!

Over Christmas I got given a lovely present of some alpaca wool, so decided the best thing to make was an alpaca alpaca! I have never worked with alpaca before, and it seems to make a firmer felt than merino, which is a bit squishy.


alpaca 3

aplaca butt

I have spent a lot of time trying to think of alpaca puns, but they are all so terrible that I feel a bit embarrassed even writing them down, which I suppose most people would consider a good thing…

I have a couple more things I need to photograph and put up here too, which I will get round to eventually.

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