Good Morning Sunshine!

February 18, 2014 § Leave a comment

Just a quick post here…

In honour of the rain.

I’m not a big fan of Winter. Its fun for a while, before Christmas maybe when everything is festive. When there’s mulled wine and markets and light. But then the novelty wears off and it all gets a bit depressing and relentless. And this year it decided it was going to rain. Forever. And so it did.

As a young artist, with not very much money, I don’t have a car. I work at the opposite end of Cardiff to where I live. All the theatres I have worked at are also at other opposite ends of Cardiff. I do not own an umbrella, I cycle, and my waterproof coat is in fact not waterproof (a tragic failing there) so the last few month have been pretty damp for me, to say the least. On countless occasions I have turned up to work looking like I swam. I was starting to get a bit fed up, and began contemplating tactically evolving into a fish, or moving to somewhere warmer. Venus maybe…

On Sunday, IT DIDN’T RAIN! the sky was gloriously blue, with little clouds floating like unlikely buoyant marshmallows. It was wonderful. Except, I spent the whole day at work, and when I left it was dark. I missed a whole day of sunshine!

This little badge here, I made in memory of the sun that I MISS SO MUCH! I know she’s up there somewhere, desperately trying to burn her way through the clouds. YOU CAN DO IT SUN, I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!


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