This penguin loves you

February 4, 2014 § Leave a comment

I thought I’d better quickly jump on the Valentines bandwagon before it has completely run its course, so I made this little penguin. Holding a heart. Ugh.





I was making it whilst watching Black Swan, which just happened to be on TV at the time, and is one freaky film. Luckily I wasn’t paying that much attention.

I battled with whether or not to add the heart, as to me it feels far to cheesy and overdone. But, its kind of cute I guess, in a sickly sort of way.

It was suggested to me that maybe I should stop making cute things, as everyone makes needle felted adorable animals, and I should attempt to felt something that’s really ugly. I am tempted to give this a go, though I suspect that the very act of rendering something in wool will instantaneously add a cute fluffy factor, no matter how grotesque I try and make it.
We shall see.

The penguin is available to buy here

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