Learning new things

November 4, 2014 § 2 Comments

So it became apparent that needle felting wasn’t enough. I like making 3D sculptures, but I want to make costumes too. Felt costumes. I have found some truly inspiring felt artists who make animal inspired head gear – have a look at Barbara Keal or Gladys Paulus – truly amazing stuff. There is so much more to felt than I first thought!

So I have embarked on a woolly adventure.

It began with wet felting.

To begin with, I made a couple of flat pieces, using a veirety of online tutorials, all of which have very different instructions for ultimately the same finished product, bringing me to the realisation that there is no fixed way of doing it – its more of a case of experiment until you have something you like. This is what I love about felting, the level of playing an experimenting with materials.

Anyho, once I had made some flat pieces of felt, I decided to needle felt pictures on top of them, just to see how it turned out – I am very pleased with the results!



This is something I may do a bit more of, but it is not my ultimate goal. I want to make wearable art, and to do this I need to develop both my needle felting and my wet felting skills.

The next step of my woolly adventure was to learn how to make hats. More on that to come! 🙂

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